Thursday, January 3, 2008

Welcome New year, please be good to me :) 1/4/08

Well, it seems appropriate that I went back to 0 as the New Year has begun, so I can start fresh, and everybody loves fresh air.... I got back from my vacation to North Carolina 2 days ago, so I basically played no poker for week and half or so.... yea I missed it lol..... anyway I decided I am not going to start grinding the 6 mans until I get back to my place in Orlando on Sunday 1/6/08, so just 2 days, and than I will get back to the grind. Where I will start fresh and have the right mindset.... Yesterday I just messed around played an $11 180 man turbo, and a HU, and a 45 man lost the 180 and 45 man and won the HU, just used Girlfriends money so I lost her $11, which isnt too bad.... Since I am not going to grind for 2 days, I decided to run a stake for my stakers, 10 $34.50 4 way Hu turbos..... Basically its makeup/cake for them since I owe them money from past stakes, where the stake went for a loss, but I don't mind, just getting me back in the right mindset, and making sure Im not rusty.... I worked on a 6 man strategy guide and plan to have that finished shortly, and think it will be a great guide for winning at 6 mans, its very precise... Also, I will work with my friend and post a HU strategy guide, from his view and mine in the near future, which will always be a good guide, since I am very successful at HU play, as well as he is... Although I am aggressive, and hes a little more passsive, so I figure both views would be a cool way to look at strategy. Lastly, I am figuring out how to post hand history videos on here to give readers a way to see all my hands, and a easy access to understand my views on hands.... all in the near future.... until than, Happy New year, and let 2008 bring all of us the best of everything....


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