Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Last night summary 1-21-09

So last night had some promise which is better than the 20 tounrys before. I started off the night getting in on a flop with A 2 3 in the Big Double A on FTP with AK vs A 7, obv the 7 rivered and than the guy started talking crap. Gotta love when people get their money in with three outs and than talk like their awesome..donks make me laugh... Well I figured I was in for a long night and the night did continue pretty bad, losing the $26 on FT than the $55 6 max on Stars, and some others. Although, I did cash the $26 6 max KO and bubbled the final table of the $75 KO for 11th place. I made a questionable re shove based on the original raiser being a chip leader and bullying the table and the reshover should have been raising light enough to make AJ a good reshove by me there, but after some more research it may have still been a fold. I did flop the J, but he turned the straight so gg to that. At least I went deep, after going deep everyday for a week, cashing 1/21 was very annoying, but hopefully this is a sign that Ill start running good again. Heres the bust out hand below....

O well hopefully tonight is better, tht Id post my normal weekeday schedule(tourny wise)

$55 70K
$55 6 max
$11 rebuy(occasionally)
$55 4 max
$77 6 max 10K

Full Tilt:
$55 50k
$75 Big A
$75 Big B
$26 28k
$11 rebuy(occasionally)
$109 6 max
$26 6 max KO
$75 KO

P.S. Just had a Subway Cold cut combo, probably the worst sub Ive ever had, I feel like puking...I like Subway, but that cold cut combo is just horrible, although Im starting not to like Subway as much, the meat is just like too rubbery, but their Cookies are amazing so thats a + lol


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